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Steps to How to upload and maintain your CV on your IoDSA online profile.
STEP 1 To access this member benefit, you will be required to securely sign in with your unique username and password.
If you have FORGOTTEN YOUR PASSWORD please follow the process to RESET YOUR PASSWORD or view our
supporting tutorial
Once your are signed in, please navigate to the Manage Profile page
Select the Resume/CV option at the bottom of this page
Complete the fields provided using the following guidelines.When completing the Objective field, list items that may guide the IoDSA in a key word search. For example "Audit Committee” or "Remuneration Committee”
or "public sector experience”
Enter a summary of your experience in the Experience block using the format provided in the example
Then enter a summary of your education and relevant skills
It is important to note that only IoDSA internal representatives will have access to view and search CV’s and any information provided will not be made accessible for general community searches. Information provided
in the Classification section and Privacy options will only impact our internal ability to segment our search options.
Proceed to the Classification section.The Primary Category and additional categories selections will assist with a search if a particular skills set has been requested by recruiters.The Desired Position Type assists us if
a recruiter has specified their desire for a particular gender or race, therefore please select the option based on your representative
As the full CV search is not accessible to the broader member community, you may select no for the Privacy options marked with an asterix *
Proceed to upload your full CV as an attachment and then select the Submit my Resume/CV link. Browse for your document and select upload
Once you have completed the fields, uploaded your CV and finalised your submission, you may edit your CV or the attachment at anytime by selecting the Edit My Resume/CV link at in the title bar
Your CV is now searchable by the IoDSA. By uploading your CV onto your online profile, you agree to the terms of use for this member benefit. Please ensure that you have read and understood the process and terms of use for this benefit
available on the IoDSA website and do not hesitate to contact us for telephonic assistance on 011 035 3000